History of Computers

  • USB Flash Drive Introduced

    USB Flash Drive Introduced
    SanDisk introduced one of the most amazing inventions because the flash drive would allow people to take information from computers almost anywhere.
  • iTunes is Released

    iTunes is Released
    Apple purchased the rights to use Bill Kincaid’s SoundJam MP software in order to create what would be the start of music streaming from mobile devices, something almost everyone needs now.
  • MySpace founded

    MySpace founded
    Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson created the social media platform MySpace. Though it did not last very long, it introduced the idea of social media (which would then cause FaceBook and Instragram too follow not too long after).
  • Nintendo Wii is Introduced to Markets

    Nintendo Wii is Introduced to Markets
    Nintendo's release of this gaming system introduced a new way for players to interact with their console due to the fact that there were more physical aspects to it than other gaming consoles (WiiSports, Just Dance, etc.).
  • MacBook Air is Released

    MacBook Air is Released
    Apple introduces what many consider an ultra notebook, which is very accurate. The MacBook Air is one of the most popular laptops for students and people of all kinds of businesses/careers.