First computer invented
Charles Babbage was an English inventer/ pionner who was born on the 26th December 1871. His greast acheviment was the non eletrical computer in 1822. -
first transisor computer
in November 1953 Manchester University experimental transistor computer became operational for the first time, -
founder: Mark Zukerburg -
Youtube was created by Chad heurly,Steve Chen and Jawed Karim. It was bought by google in 2006 for $1.85 billion dollars.
Famous youtubes inclue Joe Sugg, Zoe Sugg, Caspar Lee, Alife Deyes, Marcus Butler, Hayes Grier ,Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, Tanya Burr ad Jim Chapman. -
Twitter was launched in July 2006 and its headquaters are located in San Fransisco. -
Deveploment for Instagram began in San Fransisco. The develo[ers wanted and instant camera and telegram so they came up with the idea of instsgram. -
Snapchat was created by evan speigal,Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown. runs on IOS6 -
Tumblr was created by David Kurb in NYC in February 2007 -
new iphone
there will be a new iphone -
floating trains
i predirct that there will be floating trains hovering above the ground useing magnetic forces. -
residence on the moon
i predict that there willbe habitants on the moon