
History of computers

  • First programmable computer the Z1

    First programmable computer the Z1
    The Z1 programmable computer was originally created by Germany's Konrad Zuse. This computer was the first electrical binary programmable computer. This computer had an amount of 64 word memory which meant each word contained 22 bits. The clock speed used 1 Hz. Both the programming and output generated using punch tape along with a specific reader. This was all done in his parents living room surprisingly.
  • The ABC computer

    The ABC computer
    The ABC computer short for Atanasoff-Berry computer, was developed by professor Jhon Vincent Atanasoff. Also including his student Cliff Berry. It started in 1937 and continued its development till 1942 at Iowa state college. This computer is considered to be the fist electronic digital computer and also was the first machine to use vacuum tubes. This machine used over 300 vacuum tubes. Antanasoff was named the inventor of the first electronic digital computer by Judge Earl R. Larson
  • The ENIAC

    The ENIAC
    The ENIAC that is considered to be the first digital computer. The ENIAC was invented by by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the university of Pennsylvanian. It began construction in 1943 and was not completed until 1946. It took up 1,800 square feet and using about 18,000 vacuum tubes. It weighted up to 50 tons. Its said it wasn't finnished until the end of world war 2. The ENIAC was also created to help with the war effort against German forces.
  • The first stored program computer

    The first stored program computer
    An early British computer known as the EDSAC is to be considered the first stored program electronic computer. The EDSAC preformed its 1st calculation on may 6th 1949. This computer ran the first graphical computer game. It was created at the university of Cambridge in England.
  • The first PC (IBM compatible) computer

    The first PC (IBM compatible) computer
    On april 7th, 1953 IBM pubily introduced the 701. its considered to be the first electric commuter and first mass produced computer. IBC later i introduced the first personal computer called the IBC PC in 1981. It ws code named and refereed to as Acorn.
  • Toshiba

    In 1954 the company Toshiba introduced its first computer called the TAC digital computer. The company Toshiba today works with the manufacturing of computers, CD -ROM rives, displays, laptops, hard drives, and other computers.
  • The first computer with RAM

    The first computer with RAM
    Its considered to be a revolutionary computer that was the first digital computer with a magnetic core RAM and real-time graphics. It was created by MIT that introduced the whirlwind machine on march 8th 1955.
  • The first translator computer

    The first translator computer
    The TX-O short for transistorized experimental computer. It was the first transistorized computer is demonstrated at the Massachusetts institute of technology in 1956.
  • NEC

    In 1958 the company NEC built its first computer the NEAC 1101. NEC also known as Nippon Electronics Company, NEC is a manufacturer of personal computers, software, servers, various computer peripherals, air bags, pagers, phones.
  • The first mini computer

    The first mini computer
    The DEC or also known as the Digital Equipment Corporation relised its first of many PDP computers the PDP-1. Short for Programmed Data Processor, the first PDP and the first mini computer PDP-1. IT was developed in 1960 and it had a five-megacycle circuits. It had a magnetic core memory and fully parallel processing with a computation rate of 100,000 additions per second.
  • Hewlett Packard

    In 1966 the company Hewlett Packard released the first general computer, known as the Hp-2115.
  • The first workstation

    The first workstation
    The first workstation was never sold and was considered to be the Xerox Atilo introduced in 1974. However this first wostation computer was revolutionary for its time and included a fully functional comuter, display, and mouse. This computer operated like many computer today utilizing windows, menus, and icons as an interface to the worstations operating system.
  • The first laptop or portable computer

    The first laptop or portable computer
    The first portable computer is considered to be the IBM 5100 which was reised on september 1975. This computer weighed 55 pounds and had five inch CRT display with a tape drive. It also included a 1.9MHz PALM processor and 64KB of RAM. The true portable computer is considered to be the Osborne 1, It was released on April 1981. It was developed by Adam Osborne and weighed 24 pounds, had a 5-inch display , and 64KB of memory, 2 51/4 floppy disks.
  • The first personal computer

    The first personal computer
    The Alter 8800 was created in 1975 by Henry Edward Roberts. It was coined the term personal computer. This computer relied on a multitude of switches for inputting data and output data by turning on and off a series of lights. The Altar 8800 included and Intel 8080 processor "1024 word" memory boards with 256 bytes of memory.
  • The first apple computer

    The first apple computer
    The first known apple computer known at the apple I was designed by Steve Wozniak in 1976. This computer contained 6502 8 bit processor. It contaned a fully assembled circuit board. It had 4KB of memory which was examable to 8 or 48 KB using expansion cards.
  • Compaq

    On march 1983 Compaq released its first computer and also the first 100% IBM compatible computer the "Compaq portable"
  • The first PC clone

    The first PC clone was developed by Compaq. It was called the Compaq portable which was released on march 1983 and was known to be 100% comparable with the IBM computers and software that ran on IBM computers.
  • Dell

    In 1985 the company Dell introduced its fire computer, the "Turbo PC"
  • The first multimedia computer

    Tandy radio shack in 1992 became one of the first companies to release a computer based on the MPC standard. With the introduction of the M2500 XL/2 and M4020 5X computers. THe MPC short for the Multimedia personl computer which was developed in 1990. Its capable of running programs that combine video, animation, audio, and graphics.