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History of Computers
<a href=http://gcctech.org/cat20s/computer_history/Intro_to_computers.pdf' >book resource</a> Blaise Pascal invented the Pascaline but it only performed addition -
Stepped Reckoner
book resource was invented, first machine to add, subtract,multiply,divide, and do square roots. -
Analytical Engine
book resource performed calculations based on programs, programs were on punched cardrs -
tabuliting machine
book resource herman holeriths tabuliting machine used electricity rather then methodical gears. Took only 6 weeks to count census compmared to the 9 years it took before the invention -
book resource-made for WWII trajectory of shells but finished after war was over -Solved problem that team of mathematicians needed three days to solve in just twenty seconds
-30 tons & 1500 sq ft -
Mark 1 from IBM
book resource Used punch cards but could not make decisions so still calculator 51 feet in length and weight 5 tons -
John Von Neumann presents stored program
book resource In 1945, John von Neumann presented his idea of the stored program concept. The stored program computer would store computer instructions in a CPU -
William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brittain of Bell Laboratories invented the transistor. a semiconductor device that could replace a vacuum tube. Transistors were much smaller than vacuum tubes, less expensive, and allowed computer to process up to 10,000 calculations per second -
von Neumann designed and built
the EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) and the EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer). These computers were designed to solve many different problems by simply entering new instructions that were stored on paper tape. -
stored program concept correctly first keyboard
Sold to Census Bureau in 1951
Still large and expensive – only large corporations & government could afford
1000 calculations per second -
first compiler A-0 was created
by Grace Murray Hopper -
developed in 1959 by Grace Murray Hopper and the United States Department of Defense provided a common language for use on all computers and was widely used for business applications. -
Model 650
book resource IIBM introduced the first medium-sized computer named the Model 650. It was expensive, but much smaller than first generation computers and still capable of handling the flood of paperwork -
Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce, working independently, developed the IC, also called a chip. Hundreds of
transistors, as well as other electronic components and wiring could be housed within a single IC, which allowed computers to process information at a rate of millions of calculations per second. -
IBM system 360
one of the first computers to use integrated circuits and was so popular with businesses that IBM had difficulty keeping up with the demand. -
first mobile phone by motorolla
Motorola was the first company to produce a handheld mobile phone. On 3 April 1973 -
Bill gates
Created a BASIC language interpreter (1975)
Founded Microsoft (1977)
Developed MS-DOS for PCs and Windows -
First apple computer is created
book resource Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs designed and built the first Apple computer. -
ADA is developed
named after the first programmer, Ada Byron.
high-level programming language that supports real-time applications.
Systems that rely on real-time processing, such as those used in the banking industry, are often programmed in Ada. -
book resource had spreadsheet, accounting & word processing software -
ABC (first electronical computer) wasnt recognized until 1990's
book resource used binary number system of 1s and 0s still used today