john napier
john napier created logarithms in 1641 he created pne of the earlist calculating machienes -
joseph marie jackard
he used punch cards to control his looms -
charles babbage
charles babbage invented the difference engine in 1820, when he went to university he was very interested in mathematics, which lead him onto planning the difference engine. -
grace hopper
grace recorded thje first computer bug. she then went into the navy. -
bill gates
bill gates created microsoft, he bagan to sell and change the basics. -
steve jobs
in 2002 steve jobs created the company apple -
chad hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim
they created youtube in 2005 they also started up another internet start up, paypal. -
zuse z1
The Z1 was a mechanical computer designed by Konrad Zuse from 1935 to 1936 and built by him from 1936 to 1938. It was a binary electrically driven mechanical calculator with limited programmability, reading instructions from punched tape.