Typewriter was created by Christopher Latham Sholes
QWERTY keyboard patented
first computer to aid military in feading incripted messages called colossus
ENIAC Patented
Could electronicaly circulate artillery firing tables. Invented by John Mauchly and John Presper Eukert took uo 1800 square -
Monolithic intergrated circuit
Texas instruments intergrated circuit
Computer mouse invented by Doug Engelbart and William English
First phon call recieved by Ray Tomlinson
first computer virus creeper
Apple coputer
IBM computer release
Osborne first laptop
Time magizene computer machine of the year
sideways smile emotion
Apple Lisa
World Wide Web introduced
First smartphone by IBM
Play station released
Backrub then Google
I pod released
X BOX released
smartphne email and internet
I Phone released
I pad released