first computer
Charles Babbage made the first ever computer for math matical equations it was called a differnce engine -
first electronic computer
the first electronic computer was made in 1953 by Edward Walters. they started making it in 1937 but finished doing it in 1953. there are many debates for computers in the war in 1932 but i think it was made by Edward Walters -
first mouse
the mouse was made of two metal wheels and a wooden shell with 1 red button to press -
internet launched
the internet was launched (1969-1973) it was first launched in the USA conecting four major American Universities it linked the country up and majorly helped out the military -
first email
ray tomlinson made the first ever email he probaly typed random letters e.g. dhsdbvhj -
it was made for a school in america and then more schools asked to use it and in a couple years time was the number 1 world wide internet website user searcher. -
i tunes
i tunes is a way how to download your music so you canlisten when you walk and is also a app that you can only get from the company apple -
myspace was founded by Chris Dewolfe and Tom Anderson until 2008 it was the biggest social networking station in the world, but later was overtaken by facebook -
mark zukerburg sold facebook in 2007 for 33.1 billion pounds!! he is one of 100 wealthiest people in the world -
3 men creted youtube called Chad Hurly, Steve chen and Jawed Karim. They made for 11.5million and the company LLC sold it to google for 1.6 billion in 2006. -
twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass and had 100 million people using twitter daily in 2012 with 320 million tweets a day and later in 2014 had 500 million -
Netflix has over 4.3 billion come each and every year and has a massive audiance in america as half of there subscriptions with over 40 countrys subscribing to them -
whatsapp is a social network site wherew you can chat to your friends and it is like a way of texting without wasting money. 450 million active users with 500 million pictures sent a day -
The 23 year old man that owns snapchat turned down 3 billion so he could expand the business and make a greater profit. Snapchat is now valued at 10 billion USA dollas -
instagram is a social website that is owned by facebook it is aplace where you follow and get followed by people by only uploading pictures -
it was released in 2012 but was officially put out in 2013 and it is made to be a 6 second video which you can cut and edit -
xbox 1
the xbox one is known as a next gen console which is a better upgraded version of the xbox 360 and this console is best used for playing online multiplayer. -
the ps4 is a next gen console which rivals the xbox one and has nearly double the sale rate of the xbox but is a console mainly p[played on because of the deytail -
lizard squad
lizard squad are a group of hackers who hacked the xbox and psn servers and bought corruption across games -
watch phones
i think there will be watchphones -
fold up phones
a phone which you can hold and fold to put into your pocket -
walking on water shoes
shoes that let you walk on water -
robot pets
in the futer robot pets will probably be made for helpfull purposes -
hologram tv
a tv which projectsas a 3d vision -
robotic eyes for blind people
robotic eyes so blind people can see -
digital moon station
a electrical moon station mwhere people can stay