History of computers

By Arona
  • Period: to

    History of computers

  • Hewlett-Packard introduced HP-85

    Hewlett-Packard introduced HP-85
    This was a micro-computer with 16GB of Ram, which meant more processing power in a smaller package.
  • Tandy

    The first color computer was introduced by Motorola. Now our computers would be more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
  • Lisa

    Lisa, released by Apple, is the first commercial personal computer with a GUI. The GUI made personal computers more user friendly.
  • Pixar

    The Effects Computer Group, founded by Lucas films was bought by Steve Jobs and he renamed it Pixar. They went on to make several animated films.
  • Deep Thought

    Deep Thought
    David Levy is the first Master Chess player to be beaten by a computer program: Deep Thought. This proved the adaptive analytical power of computers.