History of Computers

  • Charles Babbage

    In 1822, Charles Babbage conceived the idea of a programmable computer. Being a mathematician, he wanted to create a machine that could compute tables of numbers. Ultimately, his project failed, but he later came to the realization that a simpler model was possible.
  • Herman Hollerith

    In 1889, Herman Hollerith, a young employee of the United States Census Bureau, was issued a patent for his invention of a mechanism that uses electrical connections to record information. These devices became widely used with many census bureaus around the world.
  • The Turing Machine

    In 1936, the Turing Machine was invented. This machine was invented by Alan Turing and referred to as an "a-machine" which stands for automatic machine. This machine was able to manipulate symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. This machine serves as the basis for today's modern day computers.
  • John Vincent Atanasoff

    John Vincent Atanasoff invented the first digital computer at Iowa State University. He and Clifford Berry went on to design a computer that became the first that was able to store information.
  • Information Sharing

    In 1971, Alan Shugart and his team invented the floppy disk. This invention allowed for information to be shared between computers.
  • Steve Jobs

    In 1976, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak released the Apple I, Apple's first computer.
  • iPhone

    The first iPhone was released in 2007, bringing many computer features to the palm of your hand. Many versions of the iPhone have since come out, becoming one of the most popular smartphones in the world.