
History of Computers

  • 1100 BCE


    One of the first types of computers as they started of to just do simple math.
  • First Mechanical Computer

    First Mechanical Computer
    [Specific Date and month Unknown]
    Charles Babbage the creator of one of the first mechanical computers. It capable of of computing several sets on numbers
  • Analytical Engine

    Analytical Engine
    [Specific Date Unknown]
    Charles Babbage started working on another computer known as the Analytical Engine. It contained a Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).
    These computers that were created helped lead towards the creation of the calculator.
  • First Programable Computer

    First Programable Computer
    [Specific Date Unknown]
    Konrad Zuse from germany was the first person to create the programable computer known as the Z1 it used electro mechanical Binary.
  • Hewlett-Packard Is Founded

    Hewlett-Packard Is Founded
    Hewlett-Packard was founded January 1st 1939. Their first product, the HP 200A Audio Oscillator. Walt disney ordered eith models of the 200b models to test
  • Elaborate

    John Atanasoff Created a more elaborate Binary machine a year later after Konrad Zuse created his computer
  • Discovery of Electrical switch

    William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain discover how to create and electrical switch
  • Computer Language

    Grace Hooper Created the first computer language which we know it as COBOL
  • Intel (DRAM)

    Intel (DRAM)
    Intel a new company at the time created Intel 1103 Dynamic Access Memory Chip
  • Microsoft is Created

    Microsoft is Created
    Bill Gates created Microsoft the next big company
  • Apple Inc. Is Born

    Apple Inc. Is Born
    Steve Jobs and Wozniac started Apple on April Fools Day the next big company we know of today
  • Microsoft Vs. Apple Investment

    Microsoft invested 150 million dollars in Apple to help the struggling company which ended the law suit from apple accusing Microsoft of copying the look and feel of the Mac
  • Wifi Becomes A Known Term

    Wifi Becomes A Known Term
    Wifi becomes a known term to computer programs and allowed users to connect to the internet without wires
  • Mozilla's Firefox Challenges Internet Explorer

    Mozilla's Firefox Challenges Internet Explorer
    In 2004 Firefox became a well known browser posing a threat to Microsoft's Internet Explorer
  • Google Chromebook

    Google Releases a laptop that runs google Chrome OS