
History Of Computers

  • First Email Sent

    First Email Sent
    Roy Tomilnson sent the firet email to himself, because he has no friends. The message was "QWERTYUIOIP."
  • The Byte Shop

    The Byte Shop
    One of the first computer stores, The Bye Shop, opens in California.
  • Lisa

    Apple the First computer with a GUI, Lisa.
  • C++

    The programming language, C++ is released by Bjarne Stroustrup.
  • Adobe Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop
    Adobe Photoshop 1.0 is realeased by Adobe.
    Tim Berners-Lee sets up the first web server,, on the 25th of december.
  • Y2K

    Computers continue to work, although many people feared they wouldn't because of the "Year 2000 Bug"
  • Zach's First Phone

    Zach's First Phone
    I got my first phone.
  • Instagram

    Instagram, a online photo sharing social media app, is launched in October 2010. Follow me @zacherayy
  • Kaylee's First Laptop

    Kaylee's First Laptop
    I got my first laptop, or rater my family did, but I'm the one who uses it 99% of the time.