History of computers

  • 130


    First Computer is made. Small. very available. 2700 BC
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Abaucus Used in

    China. Low power. No connectivity. Low Interactivity. High availability. It was used more often in China in this year.
  • Napier Logs and bones

    Napier Logs and bones is made. Huge. Available small
  • Lebinitz calculator

    Lebinitz calculator. Size is medium. Not very available.
  • First computing device

  • Babbage's Analytical engine

    Is made. Hugerer. Not very available
  • Babbage's Difference Engine

    Babbage's difference engine is made. Huger. Not very available.
  • Hollerith's Machine

    Made. Not so big. Not too available.
  • Z1

    It was the first computer to be able to be programmed. It has almost all the parts of the computers that w have today. This was the start of computers.
  • Mark I

    Not available. Low connectivity. More power used. Made.
  • The First RAM

    This was an important thing in computers. They needed something for storage so they used this. THey use william tubes and magnetic drums to store the information or data.

    Not very available. Medium Connectivity. Higher intereactivity. Huge.
  • Transistor

    This was a major advance in computers. It was made to be a transmitter that makes sound waves into electronic waves. It also helps control the electronic current.


    Held data
  • The integrated circut

    Used in almost all electrron appliances. Can hold electricity.
  • ARPAnet

    The original internet. The first to start the global network. The spark of global networks and internet.
  • The newer version of a cpu

    The cpu was a huge refrigerator before 1970. The brain of your computer.
  • The first desktop Computer

    Most of the computers back then were about as big as refrigerators. They would also fill up a wall. This was called the HP 9800 it was the beginning to small computers.
  • First Apple Computer

    Much smaller. Very available. Low connectivity. Low interactivity. High Power.
  • Wordstar Processor

    Was one of the first systems that only worked with text. It would format text and help type. It was the beginning of Microsoft Word.
  • FIrst Microsoft Word

    Was one of the first word processors made. Still used today. Is one of the best word processors today.
  • First PC

    Was a big deal because nothing like this was ever made.
  • Toshiba T 1100

    Kind've available. High connectivity. High interactivity. High availability.
  • Dell XPS Convertable PC

    Made. Smaller, Highest connectivity. Highest interactivity. High Availability.