Jan 1, 1500
First device known to carry calculations. (Addition+Subtraction) -
Made by Blaise Pascal in 1642. COuld calculate sums up to eight numbers long. -
Multiplacation + Divison Device
Device that contains Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction is made by Gottfried con Leibniz. -
French Weaver
Joseph Jacquard invents a machine which did something with holes and weaving and stuff. -
First Computers
Charles Babbage made two computerss -
Electric Machine by herman Hollerith
Electric machine that ran on electricity and used ounched cards to store data. Vwery sucessful -
Mark I
made by IBM at HU was 52 ft long, weight 50 mtons and had 750k parts. -
Built and sold to U.S. Census Bureu. -
Transistor invented
The transsistor is made and makes all computers smaller and more reliable. -
First Apple computer
First Apple computer is made by Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak in their own garage. -
First PC
Made By IBM