history of computers

By eeeya
  • Z1 computer

    Z1 computer
    first freely progammable computer
  • Period: to

    computer history

  • complex number calculator

    complex number calculator
    George Stibitz delvoped the first complex number calculator.
  • Harvard Mark 1 computer

    Harvard Mark 1 computer
    created by Howard Aiken & Grace Hopper
  • The Transistor

    The Transistor
    first transistor made by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley
  • silicon chip

    silicon chip
    first integrated circuit board developed by Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce
  • spacewar computer game

    spacewar computer game
    first computer game developed by Steve Russell & MIT

    the building blocks to the internet developed by the U.S. Department of Defense
  • Intel 1103 Computer Memory

    Intel 1103 Computer Memory
    first RAM chip and miroprocessor
  • Personal Computer

    Personal Computer
    The minicomputer Xerox Alto was a landmark step in the development of personal computers
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web
    the internet is open to the public