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History of Computers

  • First electronic general purpose computer invented

    First electronic general purpose computer invented
    The ENIAC could solve a whole range of equations electronically. I picked this because it shows how much technology has expanded, from this huge contraption to a tiny calculatory you can fit in your pocket.
  • First Commercial Computer

    First Commercial Computer
    First computer that was commercially distributed called UNIVAC. Used by airforce, and at the pentagon in 1952 I chose this because this is what started any normal person being able to own their own computer.
  • First computer game created

    First computer game created
    Steve Russell invented Space War! First game intended for a computer to use. I picked this because... who doesn't love computer games?
  • First Computer Mouse Invented

    First Computer Mouse Invented
    First prototype computer mouse invented to be used with a GUI. Nicknamed mouse because of the cord from the end.
    I picked this because the mouse is awesome, and it would stink to just type commands into everything.
  • First Microprocessor

    First Microprocessor
    First microprocessor invented by Intel. The Intel 4004.
    I picked this because it microprocessor is what makes a consumer computer cheaper than it could be.
  • First Mac invented

    First Mac invented
    First Macintosh invented. It was very small, reliable, and easy to use. I picked this because I love OSX even though it's a bad OS for gaming and everybody else hates it.
  • Windows is invented

    Windows is invented
    Windows is invented and Mac OS has competition. I picked this because I still like Windows... just not as much.
  • First Flash Based SSD invented

    First Flash Based SSD invented
    First flash-based SSD invented, making SSD's not requireing power to hold data, and making them much much faster than they were, and leading to the current day SSDs. I picked this because I wish I could have an SSD for the OS in my compute.
  • First Phone with a capacitive touchscreen.

    First Phone with a capacitive touchscreen.
    The LG Prada was the first phone with a capacitive touch screen rather than resistive I choose this because this was the begining of modern day smartphones.
  • iPhone - Breakthrough in Technology

    iPhone - Breakthrough in Technology
    First iPhone was made. First capacitive touchscreen phone that worked well, was simple to use, worked flawlessly, and had millions of apps to choose from. I choose this because now it seems like everyone has a some sort of a smart since the iPhone came out.