Z1 Computer
A mechanial computer made by Konrad Zuse. It was binary electricly run and limited programmability. It read instructions from punched tape. I chose to place this milestone because it was one of the first computers. -
It was an electromechanical computer built by, again, Konrad Zuse and was unveiled on May 12, 1941, to scientists in Germany. It was the first programmable computer. I chose to give this event a milestone because it was the first programmable computer. -
Atanasoff-Berry Computer
It was the first electronic digital computer and was invented by John Vincent Atanasoff. I chose to pick this event because it was the first digital computer. -
IBM 701
IBM's first commercial scientific computer. I chose to present this event with a milestone because it was, as the last sentence stated, IBM's first commercial scientific computer. -
It was the first successful commercial minicomputer. I chose to place this in my timeline because it was the first successful commercial minicomputer. -
Intel 4004
This was the first complete CPU on one chip and the first commercially available microprocessor. This event is here because it was the first CPU that was complete on one chip. -
Intel MCS-48
Intel's first microcontroler (small computer or single circuit design) series. Their first one in the series came out in 1976. I chose this event for my timeline because it was Intel's first microcontroller series. -
Macintosh 128K
Apple introduced this model with the Mac OS system packaged with it. This would begin the Mac OS series. This is a event on my timeline because this is where the Mac series began. -
The first iPod was unveiled to the public with a 5 GB hard drive. This is a event on the timeline because iPods are one of the biggest products sold today. -
Apple Tablet Computer (iPad)
These defined and expanded the tablet industry. Before there were tablets made by Microsoft but they were too pricey, among other things, so when Apple came out with their own tablets, fixing prior problems with it not selling too well for Microsoft, the world began to notice tablet comnputers. This is on my timeline because of how popular the Apple tablets have become in society.