History of computers

By jcase15
  • 701

    The Inter national business machines company made the IBM 701 EDPM computer. The reason it is important is that it was the first computer made for business's to use.
  • Tom kilburn

    Frederick Williams and Tom Kilburn made the manchester baby computer and the williams tube in 1948. I think it was important because it had the first memory card and you could save it.
  • 1954

    In 1954 Jack backus and IBM made the fortran computer programming language. It is important because it was the only computer that translated words in all languages.

    In 1942 the ABC computer came out which I think is important because you could make projects on it and the first power points also it was the first computing biz. It was created by John Attanosoff and Clifford Berry.
  • IBM

    The Inter national business machines company made the IBM 701 EDPM computer. The reason it is important is that it was the first computer made for business's to use.
  • 1969

    1969 the ARPANET came out it was the first internet. The website didn’t say who invented it.
  • 1970

    In 1970 the intel 1103 computer came out which had the first ram chip thats why it’s important
  • Floppy disk

    The floppy disk by Alan Shugart and IBM in 1971. It was the first floppy disk in part of the secondary memory to make the computer much better where you could save documents and that stuff.
  • 1984

    In 1984 the Apple macintosh Computer came out which is important because it was the first home computer people could get and work at home.
  • processing

    The word star processor was made by Rob Barnaby and Seymore Rubinstein in 1979. The reason it’s important is that it was the first computer that had word processing like pages and keynote and google docs and that stuff so people could work on home work or job things at home.