History of computers

  • First Computer

    First Computer
    Zuse makes the first progamable clculating machine called the Z1. I think that this is important because it was the first computer and without the first one you can't have more.
  • First hardrive

    First hardrive
    This was inportant because hardrives are very important for a computer to store data for a long period of time.
  • First mouse

    First mouse
    This was important because it made it easyer to do things on a computer.
  • First handheld calculator

    First handheld calculator
    This was important because it made doing calculations easyer and cheaper.
  • First apple computer

    First apple computer
    This was important because it was a new and better computer than what they were before.
  • Windows operating system

    Windows operating system
    This is important because a lot of computers now use this opperating system.
  • First laptop

    First laptop
    This was important because now people were could carry around their computer and keep working in a different place.
  • Adobe was released

    Adobe was released
    This was important because it was a new was of publishing works.
  • jpeg was introduced

    jpeg was introduced
    This was important because it allowed people to store pictures better. It also compressed the picture file.
  • Google was invented

    Google was invented
    This was important because people could get information faster.