Best desk top computers

History of Computers

  • Period: to


  • First electronic computer is created

    First electronic computer is created
    In Japan, Hideo Yamachito created the first electronic computer. This is important because without the first invention of an elctronic computer all of us wouldn't be sitting here with laptops.
  • First Hard Drive Built

    First Hard Drive Built
    The first hard drive is built by IBM. This is important because today people use hard drives all the time for work, school, etc. They used be big when they were first built and now they are small.
  • Silicon Chip

    Silicon Chip
    The first silicon chip was produced by the US Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce. This is important because silicon chips are in our computers today and make up the circuits
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    The first computer mouse is made and patented by Douglas Engelbart. This is important because desktop computers use a mouse to navigate their cursor.
  • Word Processor

    Word Processor
    The first word procesor is introduced by IBM. This is important because we use word processors for school.
  • RAM

    The first RAM is introduced by INTEL. This is important because RAM is a main memory that programs use and it allows them to operate
  • First CD

    First CD
    The US invents the first CD (compact disc). This is important because before thumb drives everything was saved to CDs
  • Apple

    Steve Jobs and Steve Wosniak founded Apple computers. This is important because if Apple wasn't invented then all of us wouldn't be sitting here typing on our laptops by Apple
  • Apple Macintosh

    Apple Macintosh
    The first Apple Macintosh with a mouse and an interface is introduced by Apple. This is important because many people in world own a Macintosh
  • Google

    Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google. This is important because many people use google as their search engine.