History of Computers

  • Z1 computer

    The Z1 computer was the first computer built
  • Electronic Computer

    The Electronic computer was the first electronic computer built
  • Harvard Mark 1 computer

  • eniac 1 computer

  • The transister

  • manchester baby computers & the williams tube

  • Univac Computer

  • Edpm computer

  • computer program language

    computer program language
  • Erma and micr computer

    Erma and micr computer
  • The integragated circuit

    The integragated circuit
  • Spacewear computer game

    Spacewear computer game
  • Computer mouse and windows

    Computer mouse and windows
  • ARP Anet

  • Intel 1103 computer memory

  • The "floppy" disk

  • The Ethernet Computer networking

  • 5100 computers

  • commodore pet computers

  • Spreadsheet software

  • wordstar software

  • home computer

  • operating system

  • apple lisa computer

  • apple macintosh computer

  • Microsoft windows