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History of Computer Development (1940s-1950s)

  • The Complex Number Computer

    The Complex Number Computer
    George Stibitz, one of the leading developers of the modern computer, created a remote calculator through using telegraph lines, being the first of its kind.
  • The First Electronic Digital Computer

    The First Electronic Digital Computer
    Invented by John Vincent Atanasoff, the first digital computer was built at Iowa State University and completed in 1942. The concept of the computer however, was unpatentable, therefore allowed others to build and develop on Atanasoff's invention.
  • A Logical Calculus of The Ideas Immanent In Nervous Activity

    A Logical Calculus of The Ideas Immanent In Nervous Activity
    Warren S. McCulloch & Walter H Pitts publish a paper titled "A Logical Calculus of The Ideas Immanent In Nervous Activity" which provided groundbreaking ideas within not only brain activity but cyber networks as well.

    Known as the grandfather of the modern computer and completed in 1945, the ENIAC was developed during WW2 to calculate the projection of artilleries and was the first general purpose computer.
  • Transistor

    Developed under William Shockley by Walter Brattain & John Bardeen, the point-contact transistor was created and commercialized, allowing the 3 involved to be rewarded in 1956 with the Nobel Prize in Physics.