Nationals magazines (the saturday evening post)
first african american newspaper (freedoms journal)
congress gives discount postal rates to magazines
Guglielmo Marconi invents the radio
beatrix potters the tale of peter rabbit series launches small,easy to handle childrens book
u.s based spanish paper (el diario-La Prensa)
Walt Disney produces the first animated feature (Snow White)
Audiotape is developed in Germany
A.C Nielson conducts listener survey
first large automatic digital computer is bulit at harvard
black and white television becomes part of the adverage american home
edward r murrow pioneers television news
queen elizabeth 2 coronations at westminster abbey ushers in the television age around the world
i love lucy 71.7% of viewers watch the episode of little rickys birth
rise of professional books
john fitzgerald kennedy , debuts live press conferences
neil armstrong's walk on the moon is telvised in color globally
cable is broadcast by ted turner
hyber links to web
IBM PC is introduced
marc andrees