This day Jorge Eliecer Gaitan was murdered and this situation make the people attack the presidential house, violence start in the streets -
National union dissolves
Laureano Gomez is sick
Laureano Gomez was so sick so he haved to give the position to Roberto Urdaneta and call a "asamblea nacional constituyente" -
Growth of the guerrillas
Liberals guerrilas are growing fast and a inside war is starting -
Assault to the newspaper "El Tiempo"
The police get into the building of the liberals newspapers and the houses of Alfonso Lopez and Carlos Lleras Restrepo.
Eduardo Santos make public the a note where explain the problems of dictatorship that Colombia was suffering. -
Gustavo Rojas Pinilla did a coup
Gustavo Rojas Pinilla did a coup against Laureano gomez -
Gustavo Rojas closes the newspaper "EL TIEMPO"
Gustavo Rojas Pinilla leave the presidency
Gustavo Rojas Pinilla leave the presidency after 8 days of protest, Colombia. Here begins the "frente nacional" where liberals and conservatives will take turns presiding -
lberto Lleras Camargo is elected President of Colombia
Carlos Lleras is the new president
Carlos Lleras Restrepo, third president of the frente nacional, starts andina community with Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador y Perú. -
Misael Pastrana is the new president
The last president of the frente nacional -
Alfonso Lopez Michaelsen president
He has to take the control of the first economic crisis , include the divorce and the age of majority is 18 since him. -
M-19 assault embassy of Rep Dominicana
Eruption of the volcano in armero
20.000 was dead -
new constitution
Pablo Escobar is dead
Plan Colombia
Andres Pastrana starts this plan for peace, Colombia ends this century as it starts.. in war -
Ingrid Betancourt is kidnapped
Alvaro Uribe is the new president
Raul Reyes is murdered
Jaque Operation
With a military operation it is possible to rescue Ingrid Betancourt -
Juan Manuel Santos is the new president