Jan 1, 1570
Coffee comes to Europe
Coffee comes to Europe from the Middle East, through Venetian Traders. All pictures come from here: http://www.ncausa.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageID=68 -
Coffee comes to the new world
Coffee comes to New Amsterdam(Present-Day New York City) -
Dutch get seedlings
The Dutch get some Coffee seedlings and thus, ends the Arab Coffee Monopoly. -
The French get a plant
King Louis XIV gets a coffee plant from the Dutch, -
Coffee spreads to French Colonies
Gabriel de Clieu gets a seedling off of the KIng's plant and takes it to Martinique and plants it and it grows 18 million coffee trees in the next 50 years. All pictures come from here: http://www.ncausa.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageID=68 -
First coffee percolator is invented
Partisan metal smith makes first coffee percolator. -
First Espresso Machine
FIrst Espresso Machine is made in France by Louis Bernard Rabaut. -
First Coffee Roaster
Jabez Burns, of New York, invents the first coffee roaster -
First Cappuccino Machine
First automatic drip coffeemaker
The Mr Coffee Corporation invents the first automatic drip coffeemaker. -
Coffee starts being brewed
In the Ethiopian Highlands, Coffee's caffeinated affects are discovered, and it begins to spread across the Middle East.