History of Christianity

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    Crucifixion of Jesus

    Due to pressure by many unhappy Jews in Jerusalem, Jesus was condemned and crucified by the Romans.
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    Travels of Paul

    Paul travelled thousands of miles around the Mediterranean spreading the word of Jesus. Paul converted on the road to Damascus. After Jesus death Paul had many letters and missions from Jesus. The Romans roads helped Paul by making three of his missionary journeys much easier. He could then convert to land and sea. Some of the cityś are Cyprus, Pamphylia, Lycaonia, Perga, Attalia, Syria, Ephesus, Jerusalem, and Caesarea.
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    The Great fire of Rome

    The fire started by crumpled iron gate, melted by the force of the fire. The Roman Emperor Nero was blamed for the disaster. He started the fire so he could get around the senate and rebuild Rome to his liking.
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    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    The Roman Emperor that won victory at the Milvian Bridge is Emperor Constantine. Constantine had a vision showing him to fight with his soldiers in the name of Christ. Their shields bearing the symbol of Christ.
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan was an agreement to treat Christians big-hearted within the Roman Empire. The implications it had on Christians was that itś the outcome of a political agreement concluded in Mediolanum. Constantine had a issues with it due to political subjects. When Constantine was on his deathbed he got baptised. In the year 337.
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    Theodosius´ Reign

    The proclamation that Theodosius make about Christianity was a signed decree in the presence of the Western Roman Emperor Valentinian II. This making Christianity the religion of the state and many shall be punished of the practice of pagan rituals.