30 BCE
Christianity began
Christianity began with the teachings of Jesus who lived with other Jews in rural Judea and Galilee -
Constantine worshiped Sol Invictus
Constantine began to promote himself as a favored devotee of the sun-god Sol Invictus -
Constantine's march on Italy
Constantine decided to march on Italy, and while marching he put Christain symbols on his banners and shields the night before battle -
Edict of Milan
The Edict of Milan guarenteed freedom of worship to all Rome's citizens -
Council of Nicea
Christian representatives meet and they condemned Arianism, and they discrepancies over the canon of the Christian Bible where resolved -
End of Pagan worship
the emperor Theodosius prohibited pagan worship of any sort within the empire -
King Clovis
King Clovis, king of the Franks renounces his pagan roots