Jan 1, 1200
Chocolate is one of the most delicous and loved treats to this day, but a question to ask yourself is, how did this begin? Who invented it? And how has it changed throughout the years? All these questions are answered in this timeline!(: -
Jan 1, 1500
Orgin of Chocolate 1500 B.C
The history of chocolate dates back to early Mesoamerican civilizations. As early as 1500 BC, the Olmec Indians were growing cacao beans. The Mayans and Aztecs also grew cacao and developed chocolate drinks. Chocolate was a very famous beverage that only members of the royal family could drink. -
Un-Natural Chocolate
Unlike the chocolate you eat today, chocolate when it was first invented consisted of pure cocoa. No sugar, milk, nuts, butter, or any other delicous sweetener. So the chocolate was un-bearable sweet and almost impossible to drink, but it was a holy drink none-the-less and everybody wanted a drink. -
How chocolate around the world
As far as we know chocolate was brought to spain by Christopher Columbos when he tradedf ruit for chocolate with the Aztecs. Later, spainwent around the world selling cocoa beans for an expensive price. After 50 years other countries began to catch on to how to make chocolate drink. And now you can find it almost everywhere. -
Chocolate's affect on society!
Chocolate has affected society by making people buy more sweetes considering chocolate is completely addictng. It makes people have a sugar high and definetley has an impact on every day life! -
Chocolate Today!
Chocolate today is the best desert their is, and it's been around for a long time. Its changed from un-drinkable, to sweetened, to hard beautiful chocolate that their s today. Chocolate has changed our sweet-tooth and desert craving for ever. THE END(: