Jan 1, 1170
Mongols Unite!
Temujin concures and unites the wandering Mongol tribes and is named "Ganghis Kan" meaning "United Ruler". -
Jan 1, 1200
Mighty Mongols
Around the 1200s the Mongols took control of China. These nomadic people had suppior wepons of iron and tatics that greatly aided their take over. One tacktic they would use is seige warfare. They would surround a town or fort and cutting off its supplies before attacking. -
Jan 1, 1207
Great Ganghis
Using Gunpowder Ganghis Khan was able to spred his kingdom to central Asia. -
Aug 2, 1227
Dealth Splits
At Ganghis' dealth his vast empire is split into four Khanates or reagions and given to his hiers. A Great Gangis Ruled over all the khanates. -
Dec 10, 1235
I Shall Rule All!!
Kublai Khan starts conquest to concqure all of China from the Song Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty Boats called junks were maid of bent bamboo, theses boats are still used toay. -
Dec 10, 1236
Golden Horde
Under grandson Batu the Mongols concured Russia. Laying waist to Moscow,as well as taking Poland and Hungary. They were forced to turn home when the Great Khan died. The Golden horde was a group of Turkish Mongols that ruled over Russia. -
Dec 10, 1260
Kublia Khan
Kubila was named the newest Grreat Khan. He was the First person to use Kamikaze as a way to fight. Kamikaze is like a suiside but a very respected one that you do in battle by crashing you vessal, be it ship or plain, and wrecing both killing everyone involved. It was heavily used by the Jappanise in World War 2. It is said that only 14% of Kamikazes were effective. -
Dec 10, 1278
Marco? Polo!
The father son team of Italian traders, Morco and Polo, vistit the Yuan cort. -
Dec 11, 1278
Dawn of the Yuan
Mongol leader, Kublai Khan, took control of China amd established thr Yuan Dynasty. -
Dec 10, 1279
Kublia Khan sucseeds in conquring China by defeating the last Song ruler. The new dynasty and for the first time China is ruled by an foreiginer. -
Dec 10, 1294
Dealth of the Great Khan
When Kublia dies there is a power struggle and the new rulers are weaker and the Yuan dunatys begins to fall -
Dec 10, 1295
Capture of Polo
On a return trip home Polo, the son, is caputed. In Prision he entertains the other prisoners with tales to far off lands like India and China. His stories were writen down as a book that raised interset in China for the Eurpeans. -
Jan 1, 1300
Black Death
The disses "black death" spread from Europe to Asia and the Middle east whiping out a third or the populations. It travled on flease the wear carried by rats, due to the lack of sabatation theese rats got everywhere and effected the people. -
Jan 1, 1300
Rebelion of the Chineese
Many Chinneese fations rebelle against Yaun seeing the weakness created from the Dealth of the Great Khan. -
Dec 11, 1368
Rebles Rebulid
Rebel army defeats Mongols and ends the Foreign rein in China. -
Dec 11, 1368
New Ming
Zhu Yuanzhang, a reble, killed the last mongol and took the name "Hongwu" meaning "vastly material" as he formed the Ming dynasty. -
Dec 11, 1398
Hongwo Dies
A power struggle is started when Hongwo passes on and his son, Yonglo, is the named the new Emporor. -
Dec 11, 1400
Forbiden City
The Forbin CIty was built for the Emporor and his family. It was called the forbiden city because no commoners were allowed to Enter, This grand city had the Gate of Divine Might, the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and the Palace of Heavanly Purity, It was in the heart of modernday Bejing and was made the capital of the Ming Dynasy. -
Dec 11, 1402
Yonglo Goes Solo
Yonglo begins his rule and moves the captial to Bejing, buliding the Forbiden City. -
Dec 11, 1405
Yonglo Spomcers Explorations
Zheng He Leads seven sea voyages going as far as Africa. Each voyage had around 300 ships to show the Power and welth of China. The voyages were very costly and had to be stopped due to funding in 1433. -
Dec 11, 1424
Yonglo seises to rule
Jan 1, 1500
Trade Limitations
China tried to stop outside trade from other contries and only allowed it at seritan times in specific ports. However this law was discarted by many and people continued to smugle goods in. -
Jan 1, 1500
New Veggies Intoduced
Corn, sweet potatoes, and other crops are introdused from the south. As food production grows so does the population, leading to more cities and a cultural boom for the Ming. -
Matteo Ricci
An Itaian Christian Preist named Matteo Ricci entered the Ming cout and introduced Euopean science and math to China. -
Hard Times
Crops fail leading to a famine, As it offten does, the hard times encorage rebellion. -
Ming Power
By this time, the Ming and conqurd Korea, mogolia, and some parts of South East and Central Asia. They had also assembled the Great Wall using brick, earth, and filling it with there trash as they went. -
Manchu take Control
Once Bejing was taken in 1644 the ruleing Ming emporor killed himself in fear or being captured. Machu takes over and forms the Qing Dynasty. During this Dynasty Nurhaci forcably introduced a hair style where men would shave the front of there head and wear the reast in a long pony tail or braid. If you cut this braid you could be charged with treason. -
Qing Emipre reduces taxes and expands the Empire to Central Asia as well as saw a growth in arts and learning under Emporor Kangxi. -
The Qian dynasty reaches it's hight. It expnds to the largest it has ever been by conquring Tiwan, Mongolia, and Tibet. A booming ecomy leads to a population, city, and a growth to around 300 million people. -
Lord George Macartey
Macartey was a British official that refused to bow to the Emporor and was sent away. He aided the ill feelings the Emporor and started many people thinking of Icolating China. -
Efforts from Europe Fail
China had been isolated for long enough and as Europe begain to push for the trade laws to be relaxed the Qing dynasty weakend. -
End of the Qing
Even though the Qing was the Largest of any Chineese Empire ever and was prosperous there began to be a decline.