Before 1744
The term "book" was not exactly as we think of it today. Before 1744, children were given something book-like, but the information was normally bible verses or alphabet cutouts. This was meant to instruct children. -
John Newbery opened up a bookstore in London where he published and sold books to children. Newbery wanted to teach children how to behave properly, and not threaten them as books before did. -
Most books came from England, but American children still read these books without any distinction. For example, American children read Carlo Collodi's "Pinocchio" which was originally published in Italy. -
Nathaniel Hawthorne being the first author of the American book that was written directly for children wrote "A Wonder Book for Boys a Girls", -
Though "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Caroll were not originally made in English, the book was soon reprinted in English for English speaking countries to read. This book had no morals for kids to learn -- it's just a fun read for children. -
Again, another great read for children is Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass" this follows the same ideas that this book is for a children's pleasure to read. -
Most books came from England, but American children still read these books without any distinction. For example, American children read "Heidi" by Johanna Spyri which was originally published in Switzerland. -
Most books came from England, but American children still read these books without any distinction. For example, American children read "The Wonderful Adventures of Nils" by Selma Lagerlöf which was originally published in Sweden. -
More books were put in the hands of children. -
A department dedicated only to children's literature (Macmillan). -
1922 and 1923
Helen Dean and May Massee came the first children's book editors. -
"The Horn Book Magazine" was published. -
May Massee moved to Viking to open a children's book department. -
Harriet Rohmer created Children's Book Press because of the lack of diversity in picturebooks. Rohmer devoted to making bilingual books who elevated diverse and cultural experiences. -
Just Us Books opens up about lack of diversity in children's literature and seeks African American authors because of progressive thinking like Phyllis Fogelman.