History of Children's Literature

  • John Newbery Opened a Bookstore

    In 1744 a man named John Newberry opened a bookstore in London in which he started selling books for children. In these times children only read books that disciplined them, but get finally got the opportunity to read and enjoy literature.
  • Children Started Going to School and Learned to Read

    In this year, children started going to school due to a law. More children started learning how to read. A variety of books were added for children to read
  • Literature for Children

    In the year 1919, a publishing house called Macmillian created books specifically for children. Authors who contributed to the creation of these books were Louise Bechtel Seaman, John Newbery, Randolph Caldecott, and the new addition to the first female children authors Helen Dean Fish and May Massee.
  • More Children's Bookstores

    Starting in the year 1933 more authors like May Massee started to open bookstores for children. This expanded the literature children had to read and this was the beginning of children's literature.
  • Diversity in Picturebooks

    In 1975, Harriet Rohmer created diverse and bilingual books for all children. The history of children's literature started to open up to all children across the world.
  • African-American Authors

    Phyllis Fogelman an author started to see the lack of African-American authors in children's literature. He began to support these authors and started pushing for more African- American children's books.
  • Literature for Children in the 21st Century

    Literature for children has drastically changed over centuries. Some books have been banned because of the content not being diverse or appropriate for children. In the 21st century there is more diversity with books, messages, and experiences. Children now get to use technology to read books as well. Over time, children's literature has became more broad and relatable to children across the world.