The first schoool feeeding
france and england began school feeding
first school feeding in the U.S
Ellen H. Richards initated the first school feeding in Boston -
2 books published on poverty and hunger
1920s lunch progam
when boys were examined for the 1917 draft for WW1 large numbers of them were found to be malnourished and unfit for military service resulting in the 1920s lunch program -
works progress administration
President Truman signed the National School Lunch Act
established lunch program on a premanent basis -
The Special Milk Program
created to help dairy farmers move the surplus milk that was no longer needed by the military into the market -
Child Nutrition Act was passed
expanded child nutrition programs and additional funding -
ASFSA Panels testimony
Carl Perkins(KY) appropriated $100 million to schools to feed the children. -
School breakfast program made perment
The Omnibus Teconciliation Act
resulted in 400 million reduction in child nutrition program funding -
autherized the NFSMI
its purposes are to conduct applied reseach, develop and provide traiing and education,and serve as a clearinghouse for Chilid Nutrition materials -
The reauthorization Act
Reauthorized WIC
WIC was reauthorized -
nutrition standards for school lunch and breakfast programs
updated over versus serve in the NSLP