history of chemistry

  • Robert Boyle's law

    Robert Boyle's law
    Robert Boyle was regarded as the first modern chemist. He was best known for Boyle's law. Boyle's law is an experimental gas law that describes how the pressure of gas increases as the volume of the container decreases. Robert Boyle's laws is important for the history of chemistry because without Boyle's law we probably would not have known that about gas
  • Carl Wilhelm Scheele

    Carl Wilhelm Scheele
    Carl Wilhelm Scheele is thought to have been the first to discover other chemical elements. such as citric acid, lactic acid, glycerol,hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen fluoride, and hydrogen sulfide. he also discovered a process similar to pasteurization, along with a means of mass-producing phosphorus.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin Franklin was and inventor, who invented the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove. he also discovered electricity from lighting.
  • Joseph Priestley

    Joseph Priestley
    Joseph Priestly disproved the idea that air was an indivisible element. He discovered the air was in fact it was an element. he also discovered seven more Deseret elements. this is important because we probably would not have a lot of knowledge of these elements
  • Jöns Jacob Berzelius

    Jöns Jacob Berzelius
    Jöns Jacob Berzelius was one of the founders of chemistry .Jöns Jacob Berzelius is noted for his determination of atomic weights and his experiments that led to a more complete understanding of the principles of stoichiometry. which is the branch of chemistry pertaining to the quantitative relationships between elements in chemical compounds and chemical reactions and that occur in definite proportions. This is as the "Law of Constant Proportions"
  • William sturgeon

    William sturgeon
    William sturgeon was and inventor who invented the first electromagnets. electromagnets are a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current.
  • James Prescott Joule

    James Prescott Joule
    James Prescott Joule was an English physicist who studied the nature of heat, and discovered its relationship to mechanical work. This led to the law of conservation of energy, which led to the development of the first law of thermodynamics.
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    Dmitri Mendeleev
    Dmitri Mendeleev was the founder of the Periodic table. He is best known for formulating the Periodic Law and creating a farsighted version of the periodic table of elements. He used the Periodic Law to correct the then properties of some of the known elements, such as the valence and atomic weight of uranium, but also to predict the properties of eight elements that were yet to be discovered. this is important because without the Periodic table we might not have all of the elements we do
  • production of aluminum

    production of aluminum
    Charles Martin Hall produced aluminum metal by passing an electric current through a solution of aluminum oxide in molten cryolite. before his discovery of aluminum, aluminum was semiprecious metal.
  • Henri Becquerel

    Henri Becquerel
    Henri Becquerel was an engineer who was the first person to discover evidence of radioactivity and the deflection of electrons by magnetic fields and gamma rays.