History of Chemistry

  • The first chemical battery

    The first chemical battery
    In 1800, Volta invented the first true battery, the discipline of electrochemistry
  • William Prout classifies biomolecules into their modern grouping

    groupings: carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
  • Carbon is tetravalent

    Friedrich August Kekulé von Stradonitz proposes that carbon is tetravalent, or forms exactly four chemical bonds
  • First periodic table

    First periodic table
    Lothar Meyer develops an early version of the periodic table, with 28 elements organized by valence
  • glucose and related sugars.

    Hermann Emil Fischer proposes structure of purine, a key structure in many biomolecules, which he later synthesized in 1898. Also begins work on the chemistry of glucose and related sugars.
  • discovers the octahedral structure of cobalt

    Alfred Werner discovers the octahedral structure of cobalt complexes, thus establishing the field of coordination chemistry
  • discovers the noble gases

    William Ramsay discovers the noble gases, which fill a large and unexpected gap in the periodic table and led to models of chemical bonding.
  • discovers the source of radioactivity as decaying atoms

    Ernest Rutherford discovers the source of radioactivity as decaying atoms; coins terms for various types of radiation
  • develops the concept of molecular dipole

    Peter Debye develops the concept of molecular dipole to describe asymmetric charge distribution in some molecules
  • develop the exclusion principle,

    Wolfgang Pauli develops the exclusion principle, which states that no two electrons around a single nucleus may have the same quantum state, as described by four quantum numbers