Jan 1, 1520
Elixar of Life
Tried not only to convert metals into gold but also find a chemical concoction that would let people live longer and cure dieases. This never happened.
info:http://www.columbia.edu/itc/chemistry/chem-c2507/navbar/chemhist.html -
Dalton's Atomic Theory
States that all mater is made up of atoms. Those atoms are very smal and indivisible
Photo:http://www.xtimeline.com/evt/view.aspx?id=639768 -
Vacuum tube
Heinrich Geissler created the first vacuum tube
info:http://www.columbia.edu/itc/chemistry/chem-c2507/navbar/chemhist.html -
Cathode Rays
William Crookes discovered Cathode Rays while using Heinrich Geissler's vacuum tube. Shot electricity through a zinc sulfide tube, the rays were formed in the shape of a cross.
info:http://www.columbia.edu/itc/chemistry/chem-c2507/navbar/chemhist.html -
Radioactive elements
Marie Curie discovers uranium and thorium in pitchblend. Also found radium and polonium, also found in pictchblend
info:http://www.columbia.edu/itc/chemistry/chem-c2507/navbar/chemhist.html -
J.J. Thomson
Thomson discovered that Cathod rays were negativly charged. Renamed them electrons. Model of the atom was positive wtih electrons stuck in it.
Photo:http://drb-chemistry.wikispaces.com/-+Structure+of+the+Nuclear+Atom -
Three types of Radioactivity
Ernest Rutherford found the three types of Radioactivity vy sending a radioactivity through a magnectic field some went to a negative plate, some went to a postivtive plate and others went straight through. The three types are Alpha Particles(+), Beta Particles(-), Gamma rays(neutral)
Photo:http://reich-chemistry.wikispaces.com/Fall.2008.MMA.Boyle.Timeline -
Niels Bohr
Creates a picture of atomic structure that for the most part is still used today.
picure-http://www.chem1.com/acad/webtext/atoms/atpt-3.html -
The Neutron
James Chadwick discovers the Neutron
info:http://www.columbia.edu/itc/chemistry/chem-c2507/navbar/chemhist.html picture:http://jovasquez.blogspot.com/2010_08_01_archive.html