Russan mathematicans and physicists create moving cat CGI
CGI animated short film
The first animated short created using data tablets -
first CGI television program
First 2-D animated effect
CGI 2D effect was noticed and used in the movie westworld -
1st 3D CGI
used in the movie futureworld -
Star Wars
CGI was (over)used to make the grand movie Star Wars -
Superman: The Movie 1st cgi title sequence
Alien & Black Hole push limits of CGI
movies Aliens V.s. Preditor and Black Hole push limitis of 3D graphics -
1st human character ; Star Trek
The first C.G.I used on a human character in Star Trek. -
Tron Light Cycle
the movie Tron and there 15 min. of fame with light cycle sequence. -
1st CGI water simulation
water simulated in movie The Abyss and Indian Johes.