1st National Conference on Aging
President Truman initiates the first Natioanl Conference on Aging to discuss rhw problems of aging as related to public policy -
First Federal Funds for Social Services Programsfor the Elderly Made Available
President Eisenhower Establishes the Federal Council on Aging
A Special Staff on aging is established within the office of the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare to coordinate resposibilites for aging. -
Congress calls for a White HOuse Conference on Aging
1st White House Conference on Aging Held
Congress Calls to Establish an Independent Permanent Commission on Aging
Older Americans Act Passes Under President Lyndon Johnson
The Older Americans Act creates the Administration in Aging at the Federal level and the Area Agencies on Aging at the state level -
Reauthorizaton of Older Americans Act Places Increased Focus on Caregivers
National Family Caregiver Support Program Established
The 2000 amendment to the Older Americans Act establishes the National Family Caregiver Support Program for caegiveers of those 60+. This amendment provides grants to all states to develop a variety of services to assist family caregivers including: respite care, support groups and caregiver training. These Title lll services receive limited funding, serving a small proprtion of thepopulation. -
1st National Family Caregiver Support Grants
Health & Human Services Director Tommy G. Thompson releases $113 million in support grants. -
Lifespan Respite Care Act Established
Authorizes respite care programs at the state and local levels, establishes emergency respite care for family caregivers, creates training programs for respite workers and establishes the National Resource Center for Lifespan Respite Care. This act authorizes Congress to spend $53 million dollars in fiscal year 2009 for this initiative -
Congress Appropriates $2.5 million a Year to Implement the Lifespan Respite Care Program
Competitive Grants Awarded for Innovation in Respite Services
The Lifespan Respite Care Program awards competive grant to 30 states from 2009-2012 for innovations in respite care including: outreach, volunteer and provider training, developing respite programs partnering with faith communities among other innovations which are needed to serve an ever increasing population of older adults needing caregiving. -
Reauthorization of Lifespan Respite Care Program Through 2019
Changes and Expansion of Caregiver Support Programs
The Caregiver Support Program was initiated as larger numbers of poeple began living longer and requiring care. Caregiving is vital to allowing older dults to age in their own himes which is not only a friendlier environment that institutional settings, it is more cost effective. In response to the ever incresing numbers of family caregivers, the Lifespan Respite Care Program was initiated. -
Innovations in caregiving are being financed and explored as more efficient and cost effective solutions are sought. It is estimated that 43.5 Million caregivers are caring for someone 50 or older and of those 14.9 million are caring for s person with Alzheimer's or other dementia. Informal, unpaid caregiving is valued at $450 billion dollars a year. And these numbers will rise as the numer of people 65 or older grows to 71.5 million by the year 2030. -
Reauthorization of the Older Americans Act Through 2018
Final Event Importance
Family Caregiving is obviously an important issue as evidenced not only by the more requent congrrssional involvement in recent years and the continuing reauthorization of these programs. These programs are also evolving at a quicker pace as innovation is sought to aid family caregivers as a valuable resource,important not only to their loved ones, but to the nfinancial viability of our nation as more of it's citizens require care in older age.