Jan 1, 1000
First Maori settlers in Canterbury
These polynesian settlers hunted Moa and cleared some of the bush to make homes for themselves in Canterbury. -
Period: Jan 1, 1000 to
History of Canterbury
Jan 1, 1500
North Island Maori arrive
The North Island Maori either kill or take the Maori into their tribe before taking over Canterbury -
Cook sight Canterbury
Captain Cook sails past the Canterbury Peninsula on his ship The Endeavour. Cook thinks the ship is an island and names it Banks Island after a botanist on his ship. -
Nga Tuahuriri control most of Canterbury
They controlled from the Hurunuri River in the North to Lake Ellesmere in the South. -
Sealers set foot on Banks Peninsula
Sealers are the first to set foot on Banks Peninsula and name Lyttleton Harbour as Port Cooper. -
Whaling Station on-shore at Banks Peninsula
Whaling station at Peraki set up by Captain George Hempelman. -
First attempt at farming and settling by Europeans on the Canterbury Plains
James Herriot from Sydney attempted to farm in Canterbury. Their first crop was succesful but a plague of rats made them decide to leave. -
Major Thomas Bunbury arrives in Canterbury to collect signatures for the Treaty of Waitangi
Only two Maori cheifs signed in the end. -
British Flag raised in Akaroa
Captain Owen Stanley raised the British flag at Akaroa just before the arrival of 63 french colonists. -
First House on the Canterbury Plains
Deans brothers built this house in Canterbury, Riccarton. -
Meeting to discuss Canterbury Settlement
People decided to make ready made towns like they had in England and prepared everything for when colonists arrived. -
Naming of Christchurch
Canterbury association was formed and they decided to name the capital city 'Christchurch' after a college in England. -
First Four Ships
The Charlotte Jane was the first boat to arrive. -
First school opened
The first school that was opened was in Lyttleton -
First issue of the Lyttleton Times
Christchurch becomes New Zealands first city
Chch becomes New Zealands first city under the terms of a Royal Charter -
Road from lyttleton from to Christchurch completed.
The first dog cart was driven over the road. The road however was not pleasant and not many people dared travel it. -
Lyttleton tunnel is completed
This was New Zealands first rail tunnel and allowed travel from Lyttleton to Christchurch