The Dream
Leanard Paulson, state boys' secretary, dreamed about this camp. He camp about through his efforts. -
Camp Foster Begins
In 1912, Camp Foster -
YMCA Purchases camp
YMCA purchases Camp Foster after operating on Iowa river near Iowa Falls, in the previous summer. -
Land Bought
late Thomas D. Foster bought the land that started camp foster. He bought it for $5,000. -
Improvements started under direction of Harry Goodrich.
tent floors, guest cottage, and tennis court were being built.
447 boys attend five camp periods. -
Lodge built
28x60 feet sized lodge built under W.H. Whiting.
Auditorium 200 seats + 2 offices + camp store
cost $1,650
stone fireplace was donated by W.H. Brenton -
Adding Dining Hall
The Leanard Paulson dining halll was dedicated.
costing $5,522.61 -
Additions Added
Cost $6,000
Small Wooden Cabins hold 9 boys and a leader EACH!
Director's Cabin
First Aid Cabin
Nature Study Cabin
Staff Cottages
Dining Lodge
Recreation Lodge Grounds
Athletics feilds for sports
Swimming Docks
Row Boats
Complete water and sewer systems
refridgeration until in dining hall and kitchen