Period: 401 to 700
Angles, Saxons and Jutes
From invaders to settlers
Settled new places
Back and Forth-> Trade
Mixing by marrying out -
Fall of Rome
Western Half falls -
Period: 672 to 735
The Venerable Bede
The father of English history -
An Englishman invents French
Alcuin of York-> Charlemagne (teach latin)
English Catholics spoke latin (religion) -
Vikings invasion (for 200 years)
N-E -> Only Wessex was left -
Alfred the Great
Defeated the Danes: battle of Edington
Christianity + didn't push, just kept the kingdom -
Period: 1016 to 1035
King Cnut of England
The North Sea Empire
Cnut married the widow of the English King
"Told the Waves to go Back" -
Battle of Hestings-> Norman England
End of Anglo-Saxons England
End of ties with North-> Beginning of ties with South (FR) Death of King Edward the Conqueror -> Election of King Harold Godswinson -> William (the Conqueror) invades from FR -
Period: 1135 to 1154
The Anarchy
Civil war between Maud (daughter of King Henry I) and Stephen (Maud's cousin) -
Period: 1154 to 1189
Henry II
1st Plantagenet King
Henry <3 Eleanor of Aquitaine (previously married to the King of FR) -
Period: 1154 to 1399
Plantagenets Era
Generally French speaking Kings
Struggle to keep the power (EN + Normandy) -
Thomas Becket
BFF of Henry the II
Bechet; chancellor + wealth
"Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest" -> yep: 4 knights kill him
Death of the Archbishop of Canterbury 1162 -
Period: 1189 to 1199
RICHARD I (The Lionheart)
Son of Henry the II
In 10 years he had been in England only 6 months-> FR speaking -
Period: 1199 to 1216
King John (Lackland)
Youngest son of Henry II-> least amount of land
The divine right of kings
Excommunicated: 1206: refused the choice of the Bishop -
Magna Carta
No freeman should be punished except trough the law of the land
John abused his power (existed since Henry II)
Justice is blind -
Battle of Bannockburn
"And we can still rise up and be a nation again"
Edward II beaten by the Scots (William Wallace) -
Period: 1337 to 1453
100 years war
Edward III
EN vs FR-> Reconquest FR
Order of the Garter -
The Black Death
1/2 died
Labour shortage-> payed more-> more taxes (flat tax) -
Peasant's revolt
Wet Tyler Killed while negotiating with the King Richard II (14 y.o.)
After Poll-Tax
"I am your King" -
Period: 1399 to 1461
House of Lancaster
Henry IV
Henry V of Agincourt
Henry VI Lost France (Except Calais) -
Period: 1455 to 1485
War of the Roses
Lancaster (Red)-> Henry Tudor
York (White)-> Richard III Richard has an army, but not loyal-> betrayed by Stanley in battle -
Period: 1461 to 1485
House of York
Edward IV
Edward V
Richard III