Cover   blindness

History of Blindness

  • First Residential School- New England Asylum of the Blind

    First Residential School- New England Asylum of the Blind
    Before 1892, children who were blind were homeschooled. New England Asylum of the Blind was established in 1829 . This school provided residential schooling for blind children.
    The New England Institution for the Education of the Blind (now Perkins School for the Blind) opens with 6 students aged 6 to 23.
  • Eductional Resources

    Eductional Resources
    While attending New England Asylum for the Blind. Students recieved instruction using embossed text.Embossed text provided aln alternative way to learn material for those without sight.
    Seven text were provided :
    -The Acts of the Apostles
    -Selection of Psalms
    -Murray’s Grammar of the English Language
    -The Blind Child’s Spelling Book
    -An introductory Reading Book for Children
    -The Dairy Man’s Daughter
    -Baxter’s Call To the Unconverted
  • Vocational Program

    Vocational Program
    New England Asylum for the Blind (Perkins ) adopted a vocational program that prepared blind students for employment. This helped with transion from school to adulthood. Students wer taught "blind trades".
    Examples of trades:
    Chair Caning, Basket Weaving , etc.
  • Helen Keller

    Helen Keller
    In 1882, Helen Keller was exposed to a harsh disease called Scarlet Fever. This disease caused Keller to become blind
  • Official Adoption of Braille

    Official Adoption of Braille
    Braille was accepted as the national standard for tactile reading for the blind.
  • NFB-founded

    The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) was established in 1940. The organizing convention included representatives from seven states; California, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
  • Amendment

    Until 1943, individulas with blindness weren't included in the Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Act. This amendment created awareness and equality for individuals with disabilities by providing, vocational rehabilitation, supported employment, independent living, and client assistance
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act- passed

    The Americans with Disabilities Act- passed
    ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.
  • Current Assistive technology

    Current Assistive technology