History of Biotechnology- Before DNA

  • Cells

    Robert Hooke coined the terms "Cells" and Anton Van Leeuwenhoek obseved the first microorganisms because of the invention of the microscope
  • Mendel

    Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk wokring with pea plants, disconverd the simple laws of inheritance of traits that allowed one to predict the outcome of crosses with certain traits
  • Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur described the scientific basis for fermentation, wine making, and the brewing of beer, established the science of microbiology, and propsed the Germ Theory, claiming that microorganisms were responsible for infectious diseases.
  • Miescher

    Johann Miescher found nucleic acid in white blood cells from pus in bandages. This later led scientisits to believe that DNA might be inhertiable to material of an organsim.