history of biology

  • Zacharias Jansen

    janssen was a Dutch spectacle-maker from Middelburg. he was credited with the invention of the first optical telescope. janssen is sometimes also credited for inventing the first truly compound microscope.
  • anton van leehowek

    leehowek was a Dutch tradesman and scientist. He is known as the Father of Microbiology and considered to be the first microbiologist. He is best known for his work on the improvement of the microscope.
  • Carl Linneaus

    his contribution to the history of biology was that. he wrote the systema of nature
  • Robert Hooke

    Hooke created the balance spring. The balance spring was crucial to keep time acuratly.So he was technicly the creater of the watch
  • Charlws Darwin

    Darwin collected many species of animals on the galapagos but, his finches were the ones who helped him formulate his theory of natual selection
  • virchow, schlieden, schwann

    he was a German doctor, known for his advancement of public health. He is known as the father of modern pathology . He is also considered one of the founders of social medicine.
    Theodore schwann was a german phsychologist he had many contributions to biology such as the cell theory.He also invented the term metabolism.
    Schleiden was a german botanist. he was loooking at plant cells. They all contributed to the cell theory
  • alfred wallace

    Wallace was a naturalist like Darwin. His main discovery was flying frog