Period: to
History of Baseball
Foramation of the American League
The formation of the American league was when the league was created 25 years after the National League. This league creation changed the game of baseball because it created another leauge for players and cities to join besides the National League.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_League -
Black Sox Scandal
This event was when in the 1919 World Series the Black Sox's were acccused of intentionally losing the series to gain money through betting. This happened in October 1919 between the 2nd and 9th of October. As a result of this, the leauge had to enforce rules much more and create a commisioner of Baseball with almost unlimited power, and later allowing the banning of 8 players on the team.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sox_Scandal -
Babe Ruth
Babe Ruth was sold to the Yankees on this day, and he would eventually become the most famous hitter in all of baseball while Ruth was there breaking many records in his tenure there. Ruth changed the game of baseball with his hitting paving the way for others in the furture to be such power hitters.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babe_Ruth#New_York_Yankees_.281920.E2.80.9334.29 -
Jackie Robinson
Jackie Robinson in 1945 broke the color barrier in baseball for the first time paving the future for people besides white to play baseball and eventually lead to it being a common occurance like it is today.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackie_Robinson -
Perfect Game
Don Larsen pitched the first and only perfect game in the World Series, a feat that no one has been able to out do, and only recently in the last 4 years has anyone actually pitched a no hitter in the post-season. This changed baseball as it showed people the ability of a pitcher in 1 game, and how to encrouage baseball in the U.S. through advertisements.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Larsen#The_perfect_game -
Dodgers Moving West
The Dodgers moved west to Los Angeles in this year after this day in 1957. This moved changed baseball as a famous team from the New England area moved West, and essentially symbollized that teams could be made in the Western United States.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_Dodgers#Move_to_Los_Angeles -
Curt Flood
This was an event where Curt Flood decided that it was unfair that the league still had the researve clause, or the team that signed the player originally kept the player. Curt Flood was the first person to really challenge this. This event changed baseball because as the first person to bring the problem up, it also lead to the eventual change of this unfair policy of the MLB.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curt_Flood#Challenge_of_the_reserve_clause -
Pete Rose
On this day Pete Rose accepted the punsihment of permenant ineligability of playing baseball and being in the Hall of Fame because of gambling in baseball. This event caused Pete Rose to not be accepted in to the Hall of Fame. Pete Rose is the all time hits leader in baeball, a very important feat in baseball. However with his bane, rose awareness of gambling in baseball and the results of it are that it negativley affected baseball for a while.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pete_Rose#Permanent_ -
World Series Cancelled
In 1994 because of the player's strike the World Series was cancelled. This changed the game of baseball because 1, it changed history from allowing the world series, in whih every year is history. Also with the World Series being cancelled the league had to recognize what the players were stirking for and at least compromise with what they wanted, affecting baseball for years to come.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1994_World_Series -
Mitchell Report
The Mitchell Report was a report that detailed the recent history of steriod abuse in the sport and recommended how to remedy the problem. This changed baseball history becasue many famous players have been dragged in the mud due to news of steroid abuse, and this report raised the abuse of steriods awareness, which helps to prevent further use of the steroids, bettering the game and making it more even.