Mar 6, 1202
Liber Abaci created
Fibonacci, the writer of the Liber Abaci, emphasized the use of hindu-arabic numerals in his book. This made calculations a lot more easier, and calculations for interest (or commissions) became easier. -
Jan 1, 1397
Medici Bank Created
Bypassed usury by the conversion of currencies and charging commissions -
Mar 6, 1438
Incan Empire founded
Jan 1, 1516
Creation of the Venetian Ghetto
Creation of the "Geti", which were used previously as pawn shops, becoming banks in the future. The Jews were the "pioneers" of banking, as the Church's ban of usury did not apply to them. -
Aug 29, 1533
Spaniards execute the last Incan Emperor
This brought back an immense amount of silver back to Europe, essentially causing a huge inflation. -
Creation of the Dutch East India Company
The Dutch East India Company was the first company to sell shares and therefore stocks, which boosted the company's worth and abilities to earn profit. -
War bonds distributed for the War of 1812
~$11m earned for the war, first example of war bonds