Period: to
History of Autism
Gaspard Itard made first reference to autistic symptoms
Itard published "An historical account of the discovery and education of a savage man"
Eugen Bleuler - word autism refers to an "escape from reality"
Autism originated from Greek word "Autos" meaning self. Orignally meant as a basic disturbance in schizophrenia when a person withdrawls themselves from social life. -
Leo Kanner - Infantile Autism
First formal documentation of autism, published "Autistic disturbances of affective contact" -
Hans Asperger - Asperger Syndrome
Four cases of "autistic psychopathy of childhood" -
Mildred Creak - nine-point scale for objectively diagnosing autism
No one item was predictive in insolation.
Children that displayed 7 or more of the items could be considered for a diagnosis of infantile autism. -
Bernard Rimland - challenged idea of parent connection to autism
He presented evidence that autism had a biological basis and not poor parent relationships with children. -
Bruno Bettelheim - autism caused by poor parent-child relationship
Children had to withdrawl due to their mother's neglect.
He claimed to have success in the treatment of autism over an 11 year period (1956-1967) -
PL94-142 Education for All Handicapped Act
Included a least restrictive environment which meant that children with autism would be provided an education by the state's school system -
US Developmental Disability Act
Included autism due to the need for special education services and financial support -
Autism added to the DSM-III under "infantile autism"
Under the category of Pervasive Developmental Disorders -
Lorna Wing - contibuted to extending knowledge of autistic conditions
She had influence in the development of the "autism spectrum".
She contributed to: parent organizations and literature for parents.
She was instrumental in the diagnosis, treatment, and care of autistic people and their families. -
DSM-IIIR- infantile autism changed to autistic disorder and criteria established
The required age onset was dropped. Criteria for autistic disorder was based on symptoms. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Included educational services using assistive technology to children with autistic disorders -
DSM-IV Pervasive Developmental Disorder inlcuded on a "spectrum"
Spectrum included autistic disorder and Asperger syndrome.
Age onset of 18 months established. -
Andrew Wakefield and other researchers suggested vaccines caused autism
Suggested that it was caused from the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine should be given in separate doses -
Amanda C. v. Clark County School District and Nevada Department of Education
Informing parents of rights/procedural safeguards -
No Child Left Behind Act
Autistic children gained an emphasis on early interventions and teachers were required to be highly qualified -
Michael v. Kanawhaha
IEP supplemental services covered under IDEA -
Institute of Medicine's Immunization Safety Reivew Committee rejected relationship between vaccines and autism
DSM-5 new definition of autism by narrowing criteria