Ever Heard of Autism?
Eugen Bleuler coined the term "Autism," meaning "escape from reality." Most people, now-a-days, do not use this definition of Autism Spectrum Disorders. http://www.parents.com/health/autism/history-of-autism/ -
In the Beginning...
Leo Kanner published the first paper with the word "Autism" in 1943. He first noticed this diagnosis with children in 1938. -
What is it with the Fridge??
Bruno Bettelheim created a theory called "refrigerator mothers" to describe that children develop Autism disorders because they are not loved enough by their parents. THIS IS NOT TRUE.
http://www.parents.com/health/autism/history-of-autism/ -
The prevalence of Autism has risen dramatically since the 1970s, when people first started noting the number of people with this disability.
http://www.news-medical.net/health/Autism-History.aspx -
Other Terms for Autism
Hans Asperger came out with his case students, and he referred to Autism as "autistic psychopathy." This term was renamed in the 1980s to "Asperger's Syndrome."
https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=kQgPYBflHMMC&oi=fnd&pg=PA6&dq=history+of+autism&ots=zX1y4kQe2z&sig=bS9aNUUZydkWeFGwUAUWkpkDZDg#v=onepage&q=history%20of%20autism&f=false -
Interventions work best when you meet the child where they are. You must get to the level of the child and understand them the best way possible. Motivation and behavioral therapies are perfect for working with this population.
http://www.autismspeaks.org/docs/family_services_docs/sk/General_Strategies.pdf -
Rising Numbers
The Center for Disease Control estimates 1 in 110 children have Autism Spectrum Disorder.
http://www.parents.com/health/autism/history-of-autism/ -
What causes this?
There is no, one, single cause for Autism Spectrum Disorders. It develops from different abnormalities in the functions of the brain. It can also contribute from increased parental age, genetics, and environmental factors.