Botany bay

History of Australia : Sarah, Bertille, Camille

  • Australia's claim for the British by James Cook

    Australia's claim for the British by James Cook
  • First colony of Sydney Cove

    First colony of Sydney Cove
    Captain Arthur Phillip, the first Governor of New South Wales, arrived in Port Jackson to established this penal colony.
  • First free settlers arrived in Australia

    First free settlers arrived in Australia
    The first free settlers to arrive were a family and seven other people. They received free passage from the government, their agricultural tools and provisions for a few years. . .
  • A new colony set up on Tasmania

    A new colony set up on Tasmania
  • Present population

    Present population
    About half the people living in Australia were born there
  • A new province is set up

    A new province is set up
    The area was originally an agricultural area in the 1830s. Since its creation, the region was called "The Port Phillip District" and had a certain amount of autonomy before it was completely separated from New South Wales and became the colony of Victoria
  • Discovery of gold

    Discovery of gold
    Gold was discovered before new discoveries were made in many parts of the colony. This caused one of the greatest gold rushes the world has ever seen. The colony grew in population and economic power.
  • Four of the five province granted "self-government"

    Four of the five province granted "self-government"
    In 1855, limited self-government was granted by London to New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.
  • Creation of Queensland

    Creation of Queensland
    Queen Victoria granted approval and signed Letters Patent on 6 June 1859 to establish the new colony of Queensland. On the same day, an Order-in-Council gave Queensland its own constitution.
  • Present population

    Present population
    Now 80% of people in Australia were born there.
    The six colonies meet to draw up some rules about how to run Australia, regardless of Britain
  • Commonwealth of Australia

    Commonwealth of Australia
    All the territories constitute a Federation with its own Parliament. But the british Monarch remains the head of state
  • The six provinces are self-governing

    The six provinces are self-governing