Australia flag

History of Australia from 1770 to 1989

  • The first landing

    The first landing
    Captain Cook officialy set the England flag to take Australia in the terms of his country.
  • First colony

    First colony
    The first colony was built in the Botany bay and will have for name Sydney. From this colony , the known territory will expand rapidly .
  • The first Free settlers

    The first Free settlers
    Arriving from various countries and mostly Britain, they will play a huge role in the organization of the country and will progressively mixed with the freed convicts.
  • An Island

    An Island
    Matthew Flinders the first to set sail all around the island to discover the delimitation of the Island and map it.
  • The Rum rebellion / Great rebellion

    The Rum rebellion / Great rebellion
    New South Wales Corps organized a coup d'état against Governor William Bligh . it was call this way refering to the illegal trades of rum during the same period.
  • New Holland is now named Australia

    New Holland is now named Australia
    Dutch navigators influenced the discover of this continent which caused Australia to be called New Holland , but after a more accurate mapping, Australia obtaine the name that we know today.
  • Half of the Australian population have Australian roots

    Half of the Australian population have Australian roots
    Since the First settlers , a few generations have passed and birthed in Australia , making them pure Australian citizens with now only half of them not incorporated yet .
  • Colony Victoria

    Colony Victoria
    Another colony has been built , it was named after thé name of the queen because she send letters to allow the creation of this particular colony.
  • Australian gold rush

    Australian gold rush
    Discovery of gold deposits in Australia, the population is still increasing and the country is attracting even more travellers in search of wealth in the gold seeker camp.
  • 4 of the colonies are now autonomous but still part of Britain

    4 of the colonies are now autonomous but still part of Britain
  • Tasmania

    Foundation of a new colony on an island apart from the main populations , home for new convicts.
  • foundation of the last colony in Australia, Queensland

    foundation of the last colony in Australia, Queensland
  • Flow of convicts stopping

    Flow of convicts stopping
    Britain has stopped sending convicts to Australia , decreasing the population growth.
  • First meeting

    First meeting
    The representants of each colony creates an assembly to make easier the management of Australia as a united country and without the direct decisons from Britain.
  • common wealth of australia and creation of the Federation

    common wealth of australia and creation of the Federation
  • Creation of Canberra as the capital

    Creation of Canberra as the capital
  • Battle of Milne Bay

    Battle of Milne Bay
    The japanes are pushed back during World War II in the battle of Milne Bay opposing Australians and Japanes.
  • Founding member of the United Nations

    Founding member of the United Nations
  • Opening of the Sydney Opera House

    Opening of the Sydney Opera House
    Inauguration of the great opera in Sydney.
  • Independence ( 1986 / 1989 )

    Independence ( 1986 / 1989 )
    Australia is recognized and declared by multiple countries as Independent.