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History of Australia

  • Dutch Exploration

    Dutch Exploration
    In 1606 Dutch Europeans sailed to Australia where they were attacked by Aborigines, and then abandoned further exploring. 
  • British Exploration 

    1770 Captain James Cook sailed around Australia finding new land like New South Wales and eastern Australia.
  • Prisoners became Colonists 

    Prisoners became Colonists 
    Since the British were forced to stop sending prisoners to a penal colony, and they had to send them elsewhere Australia was chosen. They started in 1787 and sailed until 1788
  • New South Wales

    New South Wales
    Thanks to John Cook Britain was able to store prisoners in New South Wales up until 1868 when many free immigrants were settling there. businesses, trading posts, farms, etc. were built.
  • Port  Arthur  Tasmania

    Port  Arthur  Tasmania
    Biggest and most secure prison until 1850 was Port  Arthur  Tasmania. From 1833, until the 1850s, it was the destination for the hardest criminals convicted in Britain and Ireland. Criminals who were secondary offenders having re-offended after their arrival in Australia were placed there too
  • White Australia

    White Australia
    A policy named White Australia wouldn’t allow non - Caucasians to immigrate to Australia.
  • Aborigines

    Aborigines were once at risk for of being invaded or their land being took. Aborigines were even removed from their families and placed into institutions by European settlers while Others were killed for being nuisance. Some time during the 1900s, separation became an official government policy which lasted for many decades This policy still confuses many Aborigines
  • The Commonwealth was Established

    The Commonwealth was Established
  • Immigration Restriction Act of 1901

    Immigration Restriction Act of 1901
    A restriction on migration to people primarily of European descent
  • The Now

    The Now
    In 1986 the Australia Act severed all legal ties with the British Empire. But in 1999 with 55% of voters rejecting the idea of becoming an independent republic., Australia is still a parliamentary democracy today with Elizabeth II as queen.