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History of Australia between 1770-1901

  • James Cook claims possession of the whole east coast of Australia for the British

    James Cook claims possession of the whole east coast of Australia for the British
    It’s happens during the first travel with the ship “the Endeavour” who had left England in August 1768. When James Cook arrived at Botany Bay, he pitch a flag for claimed Australia such as a British territory.
  • “The first fleet” left Portsmouth

    “The first fleet” left Portsmouth
    11 ships (and exactly three store ships and six convict transports) left Portsmouth, this travel is also called “The first fleet” known as the founders of Australia. Moreover, about 1530 people, including 736 convicted criminals were transported. And it was heading by Arthur Phillip who was a Royal Navy officer.
  • Period: to

    The convict and the bad working conditions

    Between this period of 16 years, over 3546 male and 766 female convicts (included many prisoners criminals) were landed at Sydney for established many new colony in the country. However, the working conditions was unhealthy and unfair because many of them were sick or have a deteriorating health.
  • Admiral Jean-François de la Pérouse arrived off Botany Bay

    Admiral Jean-François de la Pérouse arrived off Botany Bay
    It was the last stopover of a long travel (three-years) and is also a French expedition of two ships. This travel did a lot of country before like Brest in first, Cape Horn, up the coast from Chile to California, Kamchatka, Easter Island, Macao, the Philippine, the friendly Isles, Hawaii, Norfolk Island and finally Botany Bay in Australia. But the British think it was a real matter for them because that means other country begin to be interested about this “new” land.
  • “The first fleet” arrived in Botany Bay

    “The first fleet” arrived in Botany Bay
    Indeed, the travel was really long, when they left England, they took a journey of 24 000 km, and over 250 days to finally touch down the ground in Botany Bay, New South Wales. Also, a penal colony (used to exile prisoners and separate them from the general population by placing them in a another location) became the first European settlement in Australia.
    On another hands, is became the Australia’s national day celebrated every 26 January.
  • The British seem to be kind towards French

    The British seem to be kind towards French
    Lieutenant King Phillip received Jean-Francois de la Pérouse with courtesy and offered them all assistance they may need, otherwise the French had enough provisions and more than the British so they said to them if they need help they can ask. On another hands nobody request help (maybe too proud).
  • The French left Botany Bay

    The French left Botany Bay
    The French decided to go back to their country. In fact, they never return to Australia and Lieutenant King Phillip and Jean-François de la Pérouse never met again. Besides, this expedition left marks because in Australia, we can find some of city named with French names.
  • The “second fleet” a real disastrous

    The “second fleet” a real disastrous
    The food in Australia were missing. Moreover, when the “second fleet” finally attain Sydney, it was a devastated event because the convoy of the six ships where 1006 convicts were transported, over a quarter of these passengers was dead through sickness within six months of arrival in Australia. The captain and some crew members were charged with offenses against the convicts, but acquitted after a short trial.
  • The “third fleet” left England and landed towards Australia

    The “third fleet” left England and landed towards Australia
    Indeed this fleet arrived between July and October 1791 and comprised 11 ships with more 2000 convicts (included military personnel and notable people sent to fill high positions in the colony), and also a abundance provisions was carried.
  • First settlement in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania)

    First settlement in Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania)
    It was settled at Ridson, headed by the British lieutenant John Bowen and he come with 50 settlers, crew, for build a new colony. Otherwise, the site proved unsuitable and was abandoned in August 1804.
  • Criminal convict James Clay

    Criminal convict James Clay
    James Clay was transported for seven years to stay in Australia because he stole some mathematics equipment.
  • Criminal convict Megan Leach

    Criminal convict Megan Leach
    Megan Leach was transported for fourteenth years to stay in Australia because she stole three ducks.
  • Beginning of colonial government in South Australia

    Beginning of colonial government in South Australia
    On this date, the British province of south Australia was established and headed by Nicolas Baudin and Matthew Flinders. Indeed, South Australia is the only one to never had received British convicts. However, between 1836 and 1840, over 13 400 immigrants arrived in this area.
  • Criminal convict James Morris

    Criminal convict James Morris
    James Morris was transported to Australia for his whole life because he stole some various goods from Thomas Dawson.
  • New province in Australia “Victoria”

    New province in Australia “Victoria”
    When the colony of New South Wales was finished in 1788, the country was divided into a eastern half named “New South Wales” and an a western half named “New Holland”. Then, the first British settlement in the area later known as “Victoria” was established and refers to Queen Victoria who had been on the British throne for 14 years when the colony was built.
  • Gold discovered in New South Wales, Australia

    Gold discovered in New South Wales, Australia
    On this date, prospector Edward Hargraves (person who searches precious metals) had discovered gold in a waterhole near Bathurst. Moreover, after this event even more gold were discovered and began the Australian Gold rush, which had also a profound impact on the country.
  • Australia became a self-government

    Australia became a self-government
    In fact, New South Wales were the first Australian colony to became a self-government and it granted its own constitution and parliament (Henry Parkes, Edmund Barton, George Raid had an important impact for the federation) Besides, in 1855 4/5 provinces allow “self-government”. But even with this significant decision, they were still part of the British empire.
  • New colony established on Tasmania

    New colony established on Tasmania
    In the beginning, Tasmania was associated with the name “Van Diemen’s Land”, but when it decided to have it’s own right the name changed to “Tasmania” on 1 January 1856. After this decision, free settlers soon follow to come there.
  • New colony in Australia “Queensland”

    New colony in Australia “Queensland”
    In fact, in 1851 a meeting was held to consider Queensland’s separation from New South Wales. So the 6 June 1859, Queen Victoria (Queen of the U.K, Great Britain and Ireland) signed a letters to form and create the colony of Queensland. On another hands, George Bowen became the first Governor of Queensland and Robert Herbert, the first of Queensland.
  • Constitutional Convention to turn into Australia as a independent country

    Constitutional Convention to turn into Australia as a independent country
    Now over 80% of people in Australia were born there. So, in 1891, during March, the six colony of Australia had a meeting in Sydney to consider a Constitution (is an unwritten rule, not a law and also an accepted way of doing something) for the proposed federation of the British colonies in Australia (and also New Zealand). Unfortunately for them, the colonial parliaments failed to act and to give effect to it.
  • Australia became a nation and Australia Capital Territory (ACT) born

    Australia became a nation and Australia Capital Territory (ACT) born
    In fact, the purpose of the ACT was to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia (is a nation occupying the whole of the Australia continent). Otherwise, all the British territories (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania) became a nation with it’s own parliament, so they gain independence and freedom of expression. Is also known as a federation. The same years, a new capital was built (Canberra) and soon after, a new flag was created.
  • Self government for all territories in Australia

    Self government for all territories in Australia
    During the years 1989, all the territories and provinces in Australia had they own government and also became more independent.